Havanese Info

Havanese Info

Havanese Info

Since we have been breeding the Havanese Puppies in 1996 we have found that there is a lot to know about them that makes them different from other small breeds.  These differences are what make the Havanese very special, and very loved. We have attempted to describe them here in our Havanese Info page.  Please let us know if this is helpful.  

In General

In a general sense the Havanese are a much more easy going and fun loving than other breeds.  They are also highly intelligent as is seen by the fact that they were used as circus dogs for many years. They do not have an attitude like many breeds such as terriers can have from time to time.  They also do not have many of the negative attributes (generally) that many small breeds are known for.  Nervousness, barking too much, and generally being neurotic overall is what many people don’t like about small breeds in general.  The Havanese very seldom exhibit these behaviors.  Once in a while we will see some of this in a smaller dog under 8 pounds.  A little more ofter in the females. But for the most part we do not see this nervous type of behavior in the Havanese.  

Easy Going &. Fun Loving

Most of our dogs are known for being easy going, and fun loving.  Highly intelligent, and want to be around you all the time.  

Big Dog Personality

Many of our customers who were only big dog people before getting a Havanese (especially men) end up being very attached and in love with these little ones.  They are quite different from other small breeds in somewhat subtle, but very impactful ways.  Sometimes I tell my customers that they are a little dog with a big dog personality.  In that this is not totally true, it carries a lot of truth, and tends to depict the personality very well.

Check out the pages below to get more Havanese Info, and to learn about everything from Havanese Care to The best Dog Food for your little one.