The Havanese Pricing page gives you an overview of the prices of Havanese Puppies and what you will get for these prices in today’s market. I hope this information is helpful!
Here are some general prices and what they represent. These are not exact, but will give you a very good idea.
Puppy Mill Puppies
Puppies in this price range may be resellers of puppy mill puppies
Puppies may have poor health
Puppies will likely lack socialization
Newer Breeders
Breeder may lack knowledge and experience
Breeder may have rushed breeding unworthy dogs
Puppies may lack socialization or have poor health
High Quality, Long Term Breeders
Breeder has experience and knowledge of breeding
Breeder should have goals and standards in their breeding
Puppies should be healthy, socialized, and well-loved
You will want to stay away from the first group, Puppy Mill Puppies, in the lower price range. Even if you are purchasing from what appears to be a smaller, newer breeder, they very well may be purchasing puppy mill puppies and reselling them to you. They will not admit this of course, but this is a real danger out there. If you end up with a puppy mill puppy, you will not only have some serious social issues, but will very likely have some medical issues that will cost you more than the puppy.
The Newer Breeders are breeders who have been breeding for less than 10 years. I know that this sounds like a long time, but a truly good breeder will not be able to sell their first puppy for at least around 5 years. The reason for this is that when they buy their first pups, it takes some research and time, and then the pups have to grow up. This takes about two years. Assuming that they were able to find a female and a male at the same time and assuming that they grow up to be the perfect breeder dogs that the new breeder wants, then, they can breed them. Once the new pups arrive, they will once again have to grow them up, another 2 years. Assuming that there are some females that are the type that are good for breeding, and assuming that all goes well with them, and assuming that they purchased another male (from outside bloodlines), and assuming that he grows up well also, then they also can be bred. Once these puppies arrive assuming all is well with them, the new breeder can sell their first litter of puppies in around 5 years total.
If someone tells you that they have been breeding for 2 or 3 years and have puppies…run!
Our objective as a breeder is to offer you the very best pup you can find anywhere, including first great health, second wonderful family oriented temperament, and third those cute little round faces with shorter muzzles, and 8 to 12 pound bodies with many colors mixed into their coats, all for a price that falls into the lower end of the High Quality Long Term Breeders category above. And to complete this loving and quality process, we will not ship our pups, but either hand deliver them to you, or you can, of course, pick them up. This is also done at a reasonable and fair price.
Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.